May 07, 2009


Woke up early, got ready, took the tram and arrived on time for morning class. Waited and waited for the others to come, but they were late. Therefore, teacher said, "Sorry but you guys were very late, and so I put you absent except for the two of you who came earlier. See you next week then ok..."

Since it was too frickin' early too go home and do nothing while waiting for the next afternoon class, decided to join the others and went to the mall (which is just 10 minutes away on foot) from the Paediatrics Hospital. Had brunch, walked around a bit until 1pm and then went straight to the Infectious Disease hospital for class.

Came in, she talked about Leprosy and TB for like 1 hour, and then class was over. Hisy, itu aje? Nothing else?? Sabar je lah...

Went back home, and took a nap coz got a major headache. And woke up with a massive headache instead. Hmmmmm...I think it's time for the migraine meds.....

Sigh, what an unproductive day.....

NB: Tomorrow we might have neurosurgery. Maybe yes maybe no, nobody is sure. But I'm still gonna go nonetheless, just in case you know. And I'll also be doing garda with our paeds surgery lecturer tomorrow. Went last time with him and it was fun (had the chance to enter the OT and watched 3 surgeries, cool eh). And so that's how I will spend my friday night, sometimes the weekends too. Sigh, no wonder I have no social life here...

(garda = on-call)

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