May 04, 2009

Just Another Rambling

I am a fairly patient person. But when my own integrity is being questioned, hell yeah I won't tolerate that. I have a quick temper yes, but over the years I've learned to tone it down and try to think first before reacting with either words or actions. Because, if and when I do lose my temper and let my tongue loose, the person at the receiving end would probably have singed ears and wishes that he/she is deaf instead. Therefore, my silence reflects the level of my wrath. You have been warned...

They say I'm a loner. Well, maybe I am in a way. I don't do well in large groups, I've lots of acquaintances but only a handful of friends that I trust and am comfortable with. No point 'collecting' friends just to be popular but ended up not trusting any of them. And I love the few close friends that I have, they gave me comfort and kept me sane all through these years. Better than any depression meds any day. Quality is definitely better than quantity, no?

Some say I'm weird in the sense that I enjoy my own company. Well, I truly do. Going out and hanging out in some noisy pub/eatery is nothing compared to a good book/movie with some soothing music on and chilling at home. Maybe it's the age thing. You see, I have gone through the phase of hanging out with a bunch of friends all day everyday when I was younger. Now as I get older, solace is what I crave. Silence IS golden. And no more wild parties, please. Once in a while I don't mind it, but not all the time. Old already, no more energy, huh...

They say that I am open minded. Yes I am. I don't bother other people and their choices, so why should they be bothered with mine? I don't like to preach and force my opinions on others because I don't like people to do that to me. Unless you're related to me and your actions will eventually affect me, please keep your nosy noses out of my life. But, my open-mindedness does have its limits of course. If you want to drink, smoke, copulate, do as you wish with your body, it's your choice, but don't expect me to follow suit. Yes, I do have an open mind, but that doesn't mean that I would open my legs for anyone too. HELL NO. I am not all that pious, but religion is important to me and I believe that there is only one powerful, knowing and forgiving GOD. The hijab kept me from doing things that I shouldn't be doing, and I'm thankful for that. Hence, I don't do things that I don't feel comfortable doing, and no one can force me to do anything that I don't want to. I am myself, rigid principles all. Deal with it.

Phew! Glad I got that out of my chest. Like I said, it's just another rambling... ^_^

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