May 17, 2009

Ahoy! Crazy Week Ahead!

Day 1:
Paediatrics morning ward rounds, Paediatrics Surgery lecture, Ophthalmology lecture

Day 2:
Paediatrics morning ward rounds & lecture, Ophthalmology lab

Day 3:
Paediatrics morning ward rounds, Neurology lecture & lab

Day 4:
Paediatrics morning ward rounds & lecture, Tropical Medicine EXAM!

Day 5:
Neurosurgery lecture & lab, On-call session

Oh well, looks like there'll be no time for blogging this week I think. But then again, one can never halt the creative process once it has been set into motion, da?
One thing for sure though, I have a biiiig feeling that I'll be a walking zombie by the end of the week because we might also be joining the other groups for their on-call session on day 1 and 3. And there is also a case presentation to prepare, plus have to do some running around to settle some uni related matters.


*falls unconscious on the floor like a lump of log due to severe hypoxia from excessive hyperventilation induced by an acute panic attack*


Snuze said...

Ophthalmology lab? Cucuk mata dgn garpu punya experiment ka? Heheheh ....

Take it easy, sweetie. Horrible days will end. Just hang tough.

evamy said...

Woit, ingat ni citer Kassim Selamat ke? Muahaha...

Btw, miraculously I'm still alive & breathing! Fuhhhhhh... :P