May 23, 2009

The Moroccan Dream

One of my classmates is from Tangier, Morocco, born & bred. She's actually a Berber, and can speak several languages (jeles nya!). Eversince I've known her for 5 years now we have talked about lots of things, especially about our cultures, our homes and our families.

You see, I am an explorer at heart. I love getting to know about all these different cultures and their way of life, especially one that is so foreign from my own. I told her that one of my dreams is to go there for a visit, so that I can see the culture with my very own eyes and experience it, sample their cuisines while breathing the Moroccan air.
Sigh, that would be so lovely, wouldn't it?

Btw, I already have a standing invitation to go there. Tempat tinggal makan minum tak payah nak pikir dah, cuma kena beli sendiri tiket kapalterbang nakgi sana je. Bestnya kalau leh pegi.....

Disclaimer: All the piccas above are not mine. Click at the images to go to the original sites. Thank you.


Snuze said...

Nak ikut!!!!!

Jom simpan duit pergi sana, nak? :D

evamy said...

Jom! I memang wanna go, but dunno if the "simpan duit" part is achievable or not by next year lah darling :((

Best nya kalau ada sponsor kan...

Snuze said...

This is the part where having a rich and generous boyfriend comes in handy. *grins*

Okla ... maybe another three years? Doable? Make sure you still keep in touch with your Berber friend!