March 16, 2008

Visiting The Land Of ZZZZZZZ.....

What are dreams? Are they just plain nonsensical scenarios played out when you were in your REM sleep, or is it your unconscious mind that's giving you signals unconsciously? And so, what are nightmares, then? Scary dreams?

The reason I asked is because I had another restless night courtesy of a very vivid dream. Funnily enough, as vivid as it were, when I woke up I could only remember bits and pieces of it. What I could remember was that almost all of my family members were in it. Almost ALL of them, close and extended, from both sides of my parents. Imagine how crowded it was, hehe...

Well, let me see if I can recall the dream... Something about the world being in a state of frenzy, like there was an outbreak of a virulent virus spread by a group of power-hungry aliens leading to a global war of some sort, where all of us (the family) were congregating at my late grandparents' place in the middle of the kebun getah (rubber plantation), and surprise surprise, the fate of the world rests in my hands in finding the cure for the viral outbreak because, *smirks*, I AM a brilliant virologist!!

Oh man, I think the dream was a sure sign that I have watched too much of Stargate SG1! Finally finished watching 10 seasons of that sci-fi series in 1 month. No wonder I'm having dreams related to aliens/paranormal situations. Sheesh....

And if you're wondering, YES, I am a sci-fi freak. Restricted to TV series and movies only though. Will tell you in detail about this in the next post because I think it deserves its own post space and title, and plus, at least I'll have a reason to update this blog.

So good night, sweet dreams, and hope I could finally get a peaceful and dreamless REM sleep tonight...

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