April 22, 2008

Death of a Cell Phone vs. Superstitious Crap

Arghhhhhhh……my cell phone broke down! Well actually it’s still in a good condition EXCEPT for the fact that the internal LCD is now all blue!! It was such a sad day for me when I could no longer use it anymore. But I guess 4 years is just pushing it too far. Yup, it’s that old my baby is. Maybe it’s high time that I upgraded to another. Oh dear, now I have to get a new one. Another chunk of my expenses going down the drain… And dang! I loved my Samsung baby!!

Do you believe in superstitions? Well, I for one don’t really believe them. But try as I might there is ONE superstition that seems to be eerily accurate, well for me at least. Wanna know what it is?

………Have you ever heard people telling you that you shouldn’t say it out loud that you’re going to get something new to replace the old but still good one, i.e. cars, cell phones etc ? I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve heard it often enough from my friends and family that I shouldn’t do that because just as soon as you said it, the object that you were talking about will immediately started acting up! Really, I kid you not. Thing is, it happened to me so many times that sometimes I do wonder if there’s some truth in it…

Ok, here’s an example. Let’s say that unconsciously you were talking to your friends that “I’m thinking of buying a new car. Although this one is still ok maybe it’s time for me to sell it and get the latest model.”…. And then, out of the blue, your smooth running mileage saving regularly serviced baby on wheels would suddenly cough out black smoke or even worse, stopped in the middle of traffic due to engine failure, as soon as the very next day! It might sound like a load of crap to all of you, but it had happened so many times to me (car, camera, cd player...) that it’s hard for me to disregard this superstition completely.

That was what happened to my phone too. Yeah ok, I admit that I was looking around and contemplating to get the latest model, or at least something newer than my current baby (Samsung SGH E330), which is old enough that now the production has been discontinued ;-P …. So yeah, that I did. But I was still very attached to my Samsung baby and up till yesterday it was working perfectly fine, and thought that maybe if I were to get a new one I’d might as well buy it at home rather than getting it here. Seriously. I never had any problems at all with my baby. Nada. So imagine my surprise and grief when my baby’s screen suddenly went all blue when I flipped it open…. Huwaaaaaa!!!

There were no words to describe how I felt at the time. It went beyond sadness, as I couldn’t help blaming myself for what happened. If only I didn’t say that I wanted to get a new phone, if only I didn’t tell my friends that I should get a new phone, if only, if only, if only… Dang the superstition!!!

And the saddest part is that, all of the photos in my Samsung baby couldn’t be accessed coz stupid me hadn’t had the time to upload them onto my lappie (left the cable back home), and now it’s all gone! Double dang!!

So, goodbye my darling baby... Thank you for the times we've spent together, thank you for the late nights, wild times & crazy adventures, and thank you for putting up with my crap all these years.....

You'll always be in my heart and dreams........ I LOVE YOU!! *mmmuaaaaahhhh*


p/s: Currently using my darling G’s old Nokia phone. Thanks dear, will return it back to you as soon as I get meself a new baby, okie…

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