May 15, 2008

Band Geek Alert!

What can I say? Once a band geek, always a band geek. No matter that the practice sessions were long, vigorous and hard (and sometimes till late nite too); no matter that I was so tanned that it still amazes me I haven't developed skin melanoma yet; and it didn't even mattered that I was labeled a band geek back then. In fact, I was proud of it! In all honesty, joining the school band actually made me stay sane through out high school. Well, not that high school was terrible or anything like that, but being stuck in a boarding school for months one can easily develop boredom hence the unhealthy activities. But because band activities kept me busy most of the time, the only thing that was left to do was to study. See? Who said that being involved in extra curricular activities will be bad for your studies? In fact, I find that it's the opposite. If one is active in co-curricular stuff i.e. sports, band, cheerleading, clubs etc, it actually teaches oneself to be disciplined and focused because in order to be good at something you need to practice, a lot. And that leaves almost no time for dilly dallying and hanging out with no purpose. Well, ok, I admit, we do hang out and do other stuff, but that was only once in a while and only when we have free time (which was almost never!). And another benefit of joining these activities is that it gives us the chance to mingle and interact with our peers, and teaches us to be team players and for some, exceptional leaders. So, a note to parents; do encourage your children to join these extra curricular activities, because they'll do them good more than harm, and like yours truly, the basic principles that were taught back then are still with me forever and always.

Huhuhu.... Oh I missed the good ole days! Here are some songs that sure do bring back memories....






and last but not least...


n.b. These were taken from Youtube, and none are from my high school. They are just songs that we used to play for concerts and performances, including the upbeat Centerfold!

I might just be here, insyaallah...

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