February 25, 2009

I Me Wed

I recently came across this movie while searching for something else on youtube. Ran out of things to do so I decided to watch this. Well, what can I say? As soon as I'm done watching all I wanted to do is run off and marry myself! Now that would be a sight, wouldn't it...

This is the story of Isabel Darden, attractive and successful but is 30 years old and still single. The thing is, she's having a blast and doesn't mind being single at all, but her family and friends (both married and single) kept at nagging her and trying to fix her up with guys that are not her type. They meant well I suppose, because they didn't want to see her ending up as a dried-up old spinster (at age 30?? come on!) and want to see her happily married, making babies and living in a house with a white picket fence. But as sweet-natured and patient as she is, alas she got fed-up with their incessant meddling and refusal to believe that she is indeed happy being single and wouldn't want to settle down just because everyone else is that she decided to have a ceremony to marry herself! Intriguing idea indeed...

So, against her family's and friends' wishes she went ahead with her plans. But things got rather complicated: when her ceremony garnered a lot of attention from the media and the public that said what she's doing is a symbol of women empowerment, and offered to sponsor her "wedding" and a gorgeous wedding dress; and it didn't help her either when she finally met a wonderful guy that could possibly be the one. But by then it was too late to do anything but to go ahead with her plans. So, should she just go ahead with it and not tell her guy (which seems to be oblivious of it all) until after the wedding and risking losing him later, or should she tell him about it anyhow and risk losing him now? Hmmmm, a tough choice to make...

But anyways, she did went ahead with her 'self-affirmation' event. Her aim of doing this is not because that she will never ever get married, but it is to make a vow that she will do what she feels right when the time is right with the right person, and not sacrifice the part of her that makes her HER. What touched me the most was the vows that she made to herself:

I, Isabel Darden, love myself.
I honour myself, and I cherish myself.
And most importantly, I promise to really be true to myself, from this moment forward, no matter what...

I wish I'd have the courage to do this. But then again, you don't need a fancy schmancy wedding party to make that vow. You can do it without all the trappings and have that self-affirmation wherever and whenever you want.

But you know what, if by 40 I'm still single, I may have to have one of these myself just to shut people up.
So, anyone wanna be my bridesmaid?


Snuze said...

Darling, I've been a bridesmaid I don't know how many times already. But for you, I would be totally honoured to dust off my bridesmaid fan and stand up for you.

Don't worry, I'll keep a supply of powder puff and blotter to make sure you are ever radiant for the event.

*blew kisses to Eva*

evamy said...

Thanks dear, that really means a lot to me you know... *bawling my eyes out*

Do you know, I've just realized something; I've never been a bridesmaid before! Not even once. With scores of married cousins one should think that I would have had the chance, wouldn't I? Well I did, but typical me declined politely due to stagefright! Hehehehehe...sabar je lah... :D

Oh, and I have an idea: why don't we make it a double wedding instead? You game? *wink wink*

Snuze said...

But of course, cherie ... My experience brides-maiding is more along the lines of being strong armed and frog marched to perform. Not exactly exuberant volunteerism.

Except for you.