June 06, 2008

Unity - The Malaysian Way

Yup, I'm still alive and breathing. Barely, I might say. Had anxiety attacks prior to the BIG event, hyperventilated, and was almost hypoxic by the time I managed to regulate my breathing. Hah! No way I'm gonna give HIM the satisfaction of passing out in his hospital and have him be the boss of me! But alas, I was proven right after all. Anyways, IT'S DONE AND OVER WITH and I AM FREE!!!!

So, as I was blog hopping (or more appropriately stalking, haha), I found this video posted in several blogs. And as I was watching it I didn't realize that tears were running down my face when the song ended. Me? Crying?! Over a song?!!! Wow, I must be more emotionally unstable than I thought I was *winks*...

free download

I am a Malaysian. And I am proud to be a Malaysian. Home is where the heart is, and I've definitely left mine in Malaysia. Things may not be perfect and without flaws, but it's the imperfections that made us special. Maybe racism might still exist in this day and age, and maybe it'll take some time for us to totally have an integrated race, but you would only understand how truly wonderful and special Malaysia is when you're abroad. Well yeah, you do get miffed when people asked you where you're from and when you said Malaysia they'd go, "Huh? Where is that?", and you have to explain to them that it lies between our famous northern and southern neighbours (sheeeesh)... But then when they asked your friends that you were hanging out with (who were indians and chinese) where they're from and they'd also say they're from Malaysia, I guarantee you would never ever want to miss out on the duh and slightly puzzled look on the questioner's face! Priceless, I tell you...

You see, some people DO still think that Malaysians live in the jungle and in wooden houses, some were even surprised when they found out that as a Muslim woman I possess a driving license (both for car and motorcycle, thank you very much!), and the fact that we Malaysians practically celebrate the holidays and special days for the different religions/races. Well okay, granted that these kind of peeps are those who don't watch CNN or international news or stunk at Geography, and they don't even speak a word of English, I still feel that it is just total ignorance. They only knew where Malaysia is when we were hit by Tsunami in 2004 (it was all over the local news that's why), but then again they thought that Malaysia is a part of Thailand! But it is kind of liberating to educate them about Malaysia, Malaysians, and most importantly, Malaysian food! ^_^
(By the by, I know this is not something to be proud of but some of my non-Malaysian friends have added -lah to their vocab! Very bad I know, but can't blame us for using -lah at the end of all of our sentences. So used to it lah, what to do, hehehe)...

But anyways, I think one of the best things of being a Malaysian is that we speak the Malay language (or Bahasa Malaysia). It is actually based from Bahasa Melayu which has been Malaysianized, hence the Malaysian language or Bahasa Malaysia is born. Yeah okay I know, I'm a Malay so it's my mother-tongue, but to be able to gossip or complain or have a full-blown ranting session with other fellow non-Malay Malaysians in a tram-full of people in Bahasa Malaysia is kinda fun! It's especially funny when they have no idea that we were actually cussing in a sing-songy voice. But still, caution should be advised because just recently we met a local guy who have been working in Malaysia for 6 years, understands a little of our language and cited Nasi Lemak as his favourite Malaysian food! (Admittedly though this has a one in a million probability of that ever occuring again.)

So, if you wanna know more about this project involving Malaysians that love Malaysia, and if you're a Malaysian and would want to see the unity in our beloved country, just click on the banner below and do support their cause.

free download


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