June 09, 2008

Cardiac Surgery

EXAM. Arghhhhhhh...screwed from the get go, we should really have ignored the kind advices dispensed by the seniors. Oh well, no one else to blame but us, we should have known by now when it comes to our luck it's either bad or worse, and for sure we will be the guinea pigs, AGAIN. Luckily remembered most of what I studied for Internal Medicine though, but still.....Hmmmm, what to do.....

Topics for Group A:
1. Risk factors for CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting)
2. Mitral stenosis - Natural evolution
3. Types of mechanical valves

Topics for Group B:
1. Aortic regurgitation - definition, etiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, surgical procedures & types of grafts used
2. Surgical anatomy of mitral valve
3. Tetralogy of Fallot

Sheeeeesh....if only I could have that wonderful photographic memory, if only I had focused more on this instead of general surgery (eventhough cardiac surgery is a part of the surgery cycle and marks will be counted in the final general surgery final exam marks), if only, if only....

Well Melle, no use crying over spilled milk. What's done is done. Need to focus more for other papers. Life must go on...

Next up: General Surgery.

Wish me luck!!

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