March 30, 2008

Surgery vs Emergency

Went for an oncall today with our resident surgeon here. As today is a weekend, there weren't too many cases that came in as opposed to in the weekdays. Actually this was my third oncall, the first two were done with our previous lecturers last semester. We decided to leave after the last patient from the emergency that came in for trauma was brought to the hospital and admitted, and we decided to come back again next day to check on him as was advised by our assistant. And so I went back and went ahead to start preparing and making my baked pasta for our friends' birthday party tonight. I promise I will give an update later about how it went okie...

Actually, I am not really sure in which department I am going to do my presentation for the licensing exam at the end of medical school later. Though I still have a couple more years to go, we were asked to choose a department/topic now so that we can start as early as possible and not do things at the last minute. So, my dilemma now is whether to do it under the surgery department OR in the emergency department. Honestly, in my opinion surgery is very interesting, but so is emergency too. They even have professionals whom specializes in the emergency department here. Prior to this I thought of doing it in the genetics department (which was my major in college), but the emergency field seems, for now, to be very very interesting and something that I can imagine myself specializing one day. Hmmmmm...I wish they have an infectious/tropical disease department here though, so that I can compare and identify which field could be my forte one day. Huh.. decisions, decisions.....

Another weekend passing by so bloody fast. Can't anyone invent a time stopper/decelarator device? Urgently needing them before June comes visiting!

n.b. Need to get surgical scrubs to be able to enter the OT. Which colour would be suitable huh? Isk isk, more decisions *shakes head*...

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