September 28, 2009

Ooooopsssss I Did It Again!

OH MAN!! I did it again! I vowed never again but it still had happened. Darn it heart! I told you not to!! But luckily I still have my wits about me this time, luckily I know what I need to do now.

So I have stopped. Feeling, hoping, wondering, wanting. Everything. I've got to. No way this is going anywhere. No way I'm gonna do anything about it eventhough I know it's mutual. Just NO FRIGGIN' WAY. Enough. No more.

Principles and rules are there for a reason. To prevent complications, deviations & destruction. And so I am sticking with mine, no matter if it would cost me. I still have tons of stuff to do and a long way still before I would achieve my goals.

Too young, Too married, Too gay.

Sigh, so what's the point? I give up.


Snuze said...

Aw, sugar, is a married man chasing your skirts again? Kick him in the face!

And rest with the knowledge of a job well done.

evamy said...

Story of my life sue, but no chasing was involved though. Mutual understanding that nothing good could ever come from any what ifs...

Prevention is better than cure, and I never wanna be that incapacitated ever. Na'uzubillah...