November 25, 2007

I'm In Deep Sh*t...

(A self-recriminating work)

I'm in deep sh*t
Aging by the minute and still a lonely soul walking on this earth

I'm in deep sh*t
Have really fallen for a good friend
Giving me hopes and making promises for our future

I'm in deep sh*t
When all those were only empty words
He just went away without saying goodbye
And was left nursing a broken heart on my own

I'm in deep sh**
Since then have sworn off men
Vowed never again to trust them anymore
Building an imprenetrable shield around this wounded heart
Preparing for a future with a beloved temperamental cat and tons of books

I'm in deep sh*t
Then someone suddenly just had to come along
Prying open this heart with the gentlest of touch
Though there is NO way that it's gonna work between us
Different circumstances, existing complications, miles apart
But he just doesn't seem to get it at all when I said "It's over..."

So now, I'm in deep sh*t
Fallen for someone unavailable, again
Never expected this, never wanted this
Couldn't see a future with us, could never be with him
But how does one tell the heart to stop caring voluntarily?
How does one prepare oneself with the knowledge that by letting him go you're letting go of your happiness too?
How do you do that?

It's official then, I AM IN DEEP SH*T...


Snuze said...

Let's find shovels to move this pile of sh** somewhere, yeah? It's kinda unhygienic.

But I love the flow of your poem. Jagged, emotionally charged and honest.

evamy said...

Yup, the pile has been moved, permanently.

No more garbage, that's a promise.

The end.