July 09, 2009


Angry, sad, disappointed, choked up, insanely worried, irritated, disgusted, feels like bashing some peoples' heads against the wall...

With all of these emotions running through yours truly it's no wonder the throat is sore from pent-up and suppressed anger+sadness.

It's nothing unexpected actually. Being betrayed and getting screwed by selfish bastards and assholes should just be another day in my life since I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots save for a (very) few good souls. But I don't seem to have the ability to not care enough about their selfishness. Seriously, I really don't care what they wanna do with their lives & their money, but when their action affected and caused us by-the-book & studying ones major problems for the exam, that's where I draw the line.

And as for these superficial, shallow, friends-with-benefits type of relationships? I HATE THEM. You're either a friend or you're not. And no true FRIEND would ever just use and come running to you only when they needed something from you. Calling only when no one else could put up with your childish crap? Acknowledging my existence only when you need my notes?? Well, you know what; take your shitty attitude elsewhere and leave me alone. I have no time for selfish bimbos and bastards. But if you still insist on doing what you are doing, then be prepared to face my wrath. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

NB: Fuhhhh!! That was a relief. Retail therapy helped a bit, but venting helped more. It's unlikely that you idiots will read this, but if you do then too bad. For you. Like I care anymore. Hah.

1 comment:

Snuze said...

Sabar, sayang. No point hardening your arteries over useless sacks o'shit.

*gives Eva a hug and huge piece of chocolate mudcake*