June 29, 2008
My Fav Outfit
This is so cool! Found this website recently and currently addicted to it. Finally something else to do besides shopping, hehehe...
And below is what I love to wear for a day out. So comfy and simple. I like!
June 25, 2008
Kung Fu Panda
If any of you hadn't had the chance to watch this movie, my advice is: Go watch it pronto!! Recently managed to squeeze in some entertainment time from study break, and so opted for this much talked about movie for the much needed stress relief and see what's all the hype about it. And let me tell you, I was practically in stitches throughout the whole thing. Good comic relief indeed...
I won't do a review of the movie here as you can browse the web for a more comprehensive review and I also don't want to give out too many spoilers for those who haven't watch the movie yet, but I just want to share about the things that made me go "Awwwwww.........." while I was watching it.
One: It features animals, talking animals mind you, and Po is oh-so-darn-cute and cuddly! I can imagine if I were to have a man like that there's nothing more that I would love to do than use his love-handles as my pillow, heheh. There's more of him to love, you know... ^_^
Two: The storyline of how an underdog and a normal individual would at the end of the day be someone and accomplish something that no one would have ever thought he would ever succeed in doing it just warms the heart. It shows that through sheer will and perseverance, and also through the trust and compassion from the others around you, nothing is impossible and unaccomplishable. You are what you want to be, trust in yourself and that's the best gift of all...
Three: The witty dialogue and repartee, and the individual quirks of each character in this movie, especially the laid-back and eager Po, his stern-yet-quirky Sifu, and the very wise but very-vague-talking-in-riddles Master makes it an enjoyable watch. The fact that the Sifu actually uses Po's weakness for food against him to train Po was ingenious! And you know what, I actually was craving some kaya/red bean/curry chicken pau while watching them in training! Hahaha...
Four: Check out the original voices for the characters. Great casts and they did a swell job.
So, those are the things that I love about Kung Fu Panda. Do you share my opinion, or do you think it's highly overrated and is just watchable? Oh well, too each his own I guess. One can't force one's opinion onto another, but do watch it if you're seeking for a light-weight comic relief. Highly recommended, though I won't guarantee that you won't be craving for a pau or a bowl of slurpy noodles once you're done watching...
Po: Sifu, sifu, don't die!
Sifu: Stop it! I'm not dead you idiot.....errrrr Dragon Warrior!
To Pee or Not To Pee...
Case 1:
Male 38 years old, with chronic unilateral lumbar pain.
Lab investigations and urinalysis are within normal limits and ultrasound scan (USS) reveals significant abnormalities. A kidney-ureteric-bladder (KUB) X-ray and an intravenous urogram (IVU) investigation was carried out. An additional investigation, a retrograde pyelogram (RPG) was also done for confirmation of diagnosis. --- (KUB X-ray, IVU and RPG films were shown for us to figure out the diagnosis and treatment.)
Stenosis of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) with congenital hydronephrosis of the left kidney with secondary multi-caliceal stones in the left kidney, and a caliceal stone in the right kidney.
- Ureteropyeloplasty / Endopyelotomy to relieve the UPJ obstruction.
- ESWL (exracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) to remove the stones.
Case 2:
Female 60 years old, admitted in emergency due to excruciating renal colic pain. Patient was given medications for the renal colic and the pain subsided. USS reveals significant unilateral abnormalities. A KUB X-ray and IVU was carried out for further confirmation of diagnosis. --- (KUB X-ray and IVU films were shown to us for diagnosis and treatment)
Ureterohydronephrosis on the right side with stenosis of the right ureter due to a ureteric stone in the pelvic ureter.
- Retrograde ureteroscopy (method of choice) / ESWL - to remove the ureteric stone
- Ureterolithotomy (if other procedures are unsuccessful)
Well, there you go. That was the clinical cases for our group. Quite confusing especially when the stenosis and stones could be over-looked if one wasn't looking for it properly. I guess my decision to focus more on the urinary tract calculi chapter really did paid off. But it was kind of unexpected because whilst other 2 groups had 2 very different cases (renal tumor, horse-shoe kidney, bilateral hydronephrosis, Staghorn stone) ours we had both hydronephrosis and stones. So therein lies the confusion and misdiagnosis for some of my colleagues. Can't blame them though, it was just luck that made me see those tiny little opaque stones on the films and figured out what they were. Alhamdulillah, I am as ever thankful for the grace of Allah and humbled by His love and generosity...
And that marks the end for urology chapter. One thing for sure, I don't think I'm cut out to be a urologist. And if there's one thing that I would eternally remember from all this, it would be.... Priapism!! ^_^
Next up: Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Two more exams and then we're done! Yippeeeee!!!
June 22, 2008
The Bone Specialist
We thought, that he was mean and sarcastic.
We thought, that there was no way he's gonna let us go easy in the exam.
And so we thought, we were gonna be majorly screwed.....
Hah, but how wrong we were.
He wasn't mean, just a man of few words.
He wasn't sarcastic, but (rightfully) strict.
And he was fair and just and totally not who we thought he was....
Lesson learned: Never make quick judgements. People might just surprise you.
Well, if he was who we thought he was, many of us would not have made it.
And the thing is, for him, I guess it's enough if you know what you have studied, and most importantly, studied about what was important and the things that he had mentioned in class (provided that one attended his classes, of course).
And it does help to have a good attendance in classes.
So maybe, this time I did it right.
Because I did really really well.
Hell yeah I was.
Thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw the results.
But I guess I did it right, at least for now.
Next up: Urology.
I'm freaking out! HELP!!!
Mak, I need a break! Huwaaaaaaaa.......
June 16, 2008
What a Wonderful Day...
Because I passed General Surgery with flying colours! YAY!! Alhamdulillah....
I guess this time luck was on my side. And plus all those sleepless nights really did pay off.
Started the day with pre-exam jitters with tachycardia and hyperventilation, as usual. If the exam would be anything like last year's (we had the same prof for general surgery then too), then I really should prepare myself for thorough Q&A session during viva oral, and that explains why I had a mild panic attack prior to it. Haih...
First phase: Practical with the patients. Each of us were given a patient and we were asked to interview and examine the patient carefully and thoroughly. My patient, a sweet 80 year-old lady, came in with only a complaint of irregular bowel movements and stool composition, and after a full check-up she was diagnosed with cancer of the right colon (ascending colon) and scheduled for surgery the next day. So when the examiner came to me, I was asked about the patient, her diagnosis, the investigations (blood tests for liver, kidneys, glucose, CBC; barium enema; colonoscopy and biopsy to check for malignancy of the tumor) and surgical treatment suitable for my patient (right hemicolectomy with ileocolic anastomosis, or, if the tumor is unresectable an ileo-transversostomy or bypass should be performed). Phew! Lucky thing I managed to do some last minute revision early that morning about colorectal cancers, else I might just go duh there...
Second phase: Written exam. Quite a tough one actually. 10 questions in all and none too apparent too. Had to do some major brain-digging to vomit out the correct info. It was a miracle I didn't have hematemesis at the time. Urghhhhh...
Third phase: Viva oral. Prof was in quite a good mood today eventhough there were more students today than yesterday (a couple of students that were supposed to go yesterday actually bailed and ended up joining us today, sabar je lah). As my answers were satisfactory (albeit a few mistakes that I made due to confusion, which thank God I had managed to figure it out during the viva and told her before she started to question me about it), she didn't grill me like I would have thought she would. And seeing that my marks for Thoracic Surgery and Cardiac Surgery was good (un-sangkarable betul lah!!) she added everything up and gave me an A!!
Melle got an A for surgery!!! Melle so happy and relieved... ^_^
Alhamdulillah, one down and four more to go. Got time will update.
Next up: Orthopedics.
n.b. Again I was lucky, to get such a nice and cooperative patient. At first she was a bit standoff-ish (which I suspect is due to the fact that I'm a foreigner trying to put my hands on her, hmmm....) but at the end of my practical phase she was talking away non-stop and as I was leaving she had even hugged me and kissed my cheeks, wished me good luck and all the best for my exams, and also reminded me to be a good and worthy doctor. Almost had a break down then and there, luckily managed to run out of the room before the tears spilled onto my cheeks. Sigh.... Tetiba rindu kat tokne lah! Waaaaaa...
June 11, 2008
My Mosaic, My Life
1. My first name
2. My favorite food
3. My high school
4. My favorite color
5. My celebrity crush
6. My favorite drink
7. My dream vacation
8. My favorite dessert
9. What I want to be when I grow up
10. What I love most in life
11. One word to describe me
12. My flickr name
Interesting huh? You can make one for yourself too. Just follow the instructions here.
n.b. Who would've guessed I'd have problems deciding things that I like? Fickle me, I know... *grins evilly*
Purpose Driven Marriage
The local news station was interviewing an 84 year-old lady because she had just gotten married -- for the fourth time.
The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be married again at 84, and then about her new husband's occupation.
"He's a funeral director," she answered.
"Interesting," the newsman thought.
He then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living.
She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years.
After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she first married a banker when she was in her early 20's, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40's, later on a preacher when in her 60's, and now, in her 80's, a funeral director.
The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.
"Easy son," she smiled.
"I married one for the money...two for the show...three to get ready...and four to go!"
If only it's as simple as that, heheh... ^_^
June 09, 2008
Cardiac Surgery
Topics for Group A:
1. Risk factors for CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting)
2. Mitral stenosis - Natural evolution
3. Types of mechanical valves
Topics for Group B:
1. Aortic regurgitation - definition, etiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, surgical procedures & types of grafts used
2. Surgical anatomy of mitral valve
3. Tetralogy of Fallot
Sheeeeesh....if only I could have that wonderful photographic memory, if only I had focused more on this instead of general surgery (eventhough cardiac surgery is a part of the surgery cycle and marks will be counted in the final general surgery final exam marks), if only, if only....
Well Melle, no use crying over spilled milk. What's done is done. Need to focus more for other papers. Life must go on...
Next up: General Surgery.
Wish me luck!!
June 07, 2008
I've only been to one of the wonders of the world. And my dream is to visit all these places before I kick the bucket (after completing my Haj, of course)...
So, anyone kind enough to sponsor a trip? ;P
Divorce Letters...from both parties
This was a good one ^_^
Dear Wife:
I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you for good.
I've been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it.
These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you had quit your job today and that was the last straw.
Last week, you came home and didn't even notice that I had gotten a new hair cut, cooked your favorite meal, and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers later that night.
You came home, nibbled at your food for two minutes, and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps.
You don't tell me you love me anymore, you don't want sex anymore or anything.
Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me.
Whichever is the case.....I'm gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. Don't try to find me. Your sister and I are moving away to West Virginia together. Have a great life!
Dear Ex-Husband:
Nothing has made my day more enjoyable than receiving your letter.
It's true that you and I have been married for seven years, although a 'good man' is a far cry from what you've been.
I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping. It's just too bad it doesn't work.
Yes, I did notice when you got a hair cut last week,,,and actually the first thing that came to my mind was "You look just like a girl"... but my mother raised me not to say anything at all if you can't say anything nice.
And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with my SISTER, because I stopped eating pork seven years ago.
I turned away from you when you had those new silk boxers on because the price tag was still on them. I prayed that it was just a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed fifty dollars from
me that morning and your silk boxers were $49.99...
After all of this, I still loved you and felt that we could work it out.
So when I discovered that I had hit the lotto for twenty million dollars, I quit my job and bought us two tickets to Hawaii. But when I got home you were gone.
Everything happens for a reason I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you've always wanted.
My lawyer said with the letter that you wrote, you won't get a dime from me. So take care.
Rich As Hell and Freeeeeeeeeeee!
P.S. I don't know if I ever told you this but my sister 'Carla'.....was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem for you.
June 06, 2008
Unity - The Malaysian Way
So, as I was blog hopping (or more appropriately stalking, haha), I found this video posted in several blogs. And as I was watching it I didn't realize that tears were running down my face when the song ended. Me? Crying?! Over a song?!!! Wow, I must be more emotionally unstable than I thought I was *winks*...
I am a Malaysian. And I am proud to be a Malaysian. Home is where the heart is, and I've definitely left mine in Malaysia. Things may not be perfect and without flaws, but it's the imperfections that made us special. Maybe racism might still exist in this day and age, and maybe it'll take some time for us to totally have an integrated race, but you would only understand how truly wonderful and special Malaysia is when you're abroad. Well yeah, you do get miffed when people asked you where you're from and when you said Malaysia they'd go, "Huh? Where is that?", and you have to explain to them that it lies between our famous northern and southern neighbours (sheeeesh)... But then when they asked your friends that you were hanging out with (who were indians and chinese) where they're from and they'd also say they're from Malaysia, I guarantee you would never ever want to miss out on the duh and slightly puzzled look on the questioner's face! Priceless, I tell you...
You see, some people DO still think that Malaysians live in the jungle and in wooden houses, some were even surprised when they found out that as a Muslim woman I possess a driving license (both for car and motorcycle, thank you very much!), and the fact that we Malaysians practically celebrate the holidays and special days for the different religions/races. Well okay, granted that these kind of peeps are those who don't watch CNN or international news or stunk at Geography, and they don't even speak a word of English, I still feel that it is just total ignorance. They only knew where Malaysia is when we were hit by Tsunami in 2004 (it was all over the local news that's why), but then again they thought that Malaysia is a part of Thailand! But it is kind of liberating to educate them about Malaysia, Malaysians, and most importantly, Malaysian food! ^_^
(By the by, I know this is not something to be proud of but some of my non-Malaysian friends have added -lah to their vocab! Very bad I know, but can't blame us for using -lah at the end of all of our sentences. So used to it lah, what to do, hehehe)...
But anyways, I think one of the best things of being a Malaysian is that we speak the Malay language (or Bahasa Malaysia). It is actually based from Bahasa Melayu which has been Malaysianized, hence the Malaysian language or Bahasa Malaysia is born. Yeah okay I know, I'm a Malay so it's my mother-tongue, but to be able to gossip or complain or have a full-blown ranting session with other fellow non-Malay Malaysians in a tram-full of people in Bahasa Malaysia is kinda fun! It's especially funny when they have no idea that we were actually cussing in a sing-songy voice. But still, caution should be advised because just recently we met a local guy who have been working in Malaysia for 6 years, understands a little of our language and cited Nasi Lemak as his favourite Malaysian food! (Admittedly though this has a one in a million probability of that ever occuring again.)
So, if you wanna know more about this project involving Malaysians that love Malaysia, and if you're a Malaysian and would want to see the unity in our beloved country, just click on the banner below and do support their cause.